HeY tHiS iS Me....LiKe It Or nOt iM NoT ChAnGiNg Ne TiMe SOON!!! :) HeReS SoMe InFo YoU mAy Or MaY nOt KnOw....oR WaNt To KnOw bUt ToO dAmN bAd!!!
NAME: AsHaLiE Marie Welch AGE: 17 SEX: no im a nun...sex is a sin....HAHAHA yyyeeaaaa...i hate it how ppl are alwayz like "yes please"
WHERE YOU FROM: yo momma...or mine...haha wheeew...im too funny...haha lets start with ky..lexington and ft knox, germany, cali, kansas(hhmm), cairo, mexico...aka hell paso texas and soon to be cali again, but sadly...till then....OHIO!!! haaa.....yeah its off the heezy fo sho...:) BIRTHDATE: 12/20/86(([OH YEAH BABY!])) PLACE OF BIRTH: ft. knox, kentucky...hehehehe HAIR COLOR: BAAAHAHA...yeah im back to my natural color...NOT BLONDE!!! haha brown.... EYE COLOR: irridescent! haha naw but wouldnt that be kewl...!?(fyi: their green guyz, if ya cant tell in tha pics!) WEIGHT:.....yeah right! haha SUCKAZ....a woman never tells her weight...what a rude question :) HEIGHT: 5'7" and hopefully still sprouting! LIKES: long, romantic, moonlit walks on the beach......ALONE! hahahahaha jk jk yall should know this scheissa by now.... X-MAS OR....YEAA....: x-mas duh...that stupid silent C thing is lie....7 days mah ass....those ppl are CHEAP! DISLIKES: eewwwiiee....YOU! haha and feet...and bugs...and yeah scary movies :( LOUDEST PERSON: WHITNEY!!! holy shit whitney!! hahaha but its all good bc im just about as loud....omg and laura b!!! shes like a whitney clone....dont get scared tho.....she doesnt bite! QUIETEST PERSON:....BrUcEy-SeXy hehe and this chic joyce...ive NEVER heard her speak! haha FUNNEST PERSON: marcy of course...haha and STACY!-you closet whore! teehehe ((not that all my freinds aren't fun...hhmmmm hahaha)) LAMEST PERSON: laura b has now taken the title....remember this one!? "im like a turkey on thanksgiving....STUFFED!!" hahaha PERSON MOST LIKELY TO GET PISSED FOR NOT BEING MENTIONED: alexis...hahahaha definatly alexis! but too late! SIBLINGS: james...aka twitch ((DONT ASK)) heather no aka....and aly-the adopted one....:)
HeRe'S ArE a FeW oF mAh FaVoRiTe tHiNgS.... COLOR: GGRREEEENNN! like mah eye balls! FOOD: mac n cheese durrr...ne thing CHINEASE....uumm omg TACO BELL...ya'll know i get those late nite cravings...:) SONG: omg ne thing by JACK JOHNSON!! he rocks mah world!!! and candleburn by dishwalla PLACE: the picadilly circus...in london...its sooo cute! PERSON: elmo! hehe oh...hes not a person...elvis then i guess..hhmmm hey, hes the king! ACTRESS: me!!! haha yeah rite.....im about as good an actress as.....ok nevermind....haha...... uumm kate hudson is got to be the cutest rite now atleast ACTOR: MATTHEW MCCONAkjfdklajfd .....haha yeah he was in how to lose a guy in 10 days...i cant spell his last name tho....there goes that wedding....:'( GROUP OR MUSICIAN: the eagles{[ALWAYZ]}, and john mayer-oF cOuRsE!! ICE CREAM FLAVOR: eewww man im sorry but they have some nasty ice cream now-a-days.....like we have this gross pumpkin shit where i work...and ppl actually buy it!! thats wrong rite there... MOVIE: FINDING NEMO!!! ((::LOOK ITS NEMO!......clunk.....::)) TV SHOW: friends! too bad its ending soon..uumm THE OC!!!! and ooh newlyweds...haha "is this chicken what i have or is this fish?"
SPORT: bball baby...and soccer when mah man landon is on :) ATHLETE: andy roddick...sorry but hes damn good and HOT! TEAMS: bball: UC!!! meeker is mah man!...football: SEAHAWKS! HAHA jk jk....titans(gotta stay close to home) baseball: el paso diablos...HAHAHAHA SYKE! FAVORITE THING TO DO WHEN IM BORED: sleep-its passes time the fastest, oohh and i have this new thing...reading! haha what a pass-time! ....aRiTe Be hApPy...Im DONE! HaHa....BYE! |
My SiTe...nOw...
YeS...i DiD hAvE AnOtHeR SiTe...DONT GO THERE! hAhA BuT i TriEd To dO ToO mUcH oF iT tOo FaSt AnD sO i JuSt GaVe Up! ReCeNtLy ThO i HaVeNt BeEn iN SkOoL sO i DeCiDeD tO sTaRt A NeW OnE fRoM sCrAtCh, HoPe Ya'LL LiKe it...LoTs Of iT wiLl Be SiMiLaR BuT HeY...No HaTeRz AiGht!? iMa TaKe HeLLa PiCs tHiS SuMmEr So I cAn UpDaTe ThAt sHiT...
"ShOuT oUtZ"
I GoTtA SaY wHaTs Up To aLl MaH PeEpz In AmEriCa....Ya'LL KnOw WhO YoU aRe...SexY lExy HoMiEz, MaH Mi HiJoS fRoM HeLL pAsO, WHITNEY!!! hAhA YoUr AlL AlOnE iN CaLi GuRl!Oh AnD Of CoUrSe, LaSt BuT nOt LeAsT...MISSY...hEhE tHaT ChIc FrOm BaMa! OH...My PeEpZ LiVin On ThEiR fArMs iN oHiO...LaUrA B. AnD aLySsA(( i love you fatties!!)) eRiN-i miss our study hall time....its all good tho we have soc for that now!, ShErRIE, aNdY, eMiLy, aMy, AmBeR QuEeR(we mix GREAT drinks!!) JoDi, tRaCi, bRiTtAnY(can i get some nut!?) and uuhh...YeH eVeRyOnE eLsE....KeEp oN hOlDiN iT dOwN FoR tHe CoWs....HHAAAAA....... AnD tO Ya'LL cRaZy FoLkS FrOm cAiRo, MaRcY, DeNiSe, aLy, PaT, BrUcE, JoE, SaMeR, HaNeEn, aNd KhUsHbU...i MiSs YoU gUyZ tHiS...................... .................................................................................................................................................MuCh :) and i cant wait to see yall in may!!!! OMG! i AlMoSt FoRgOt tHaT sExY CaNaDiAn...ChArLiE...iM wAiTiN fOr Ya bOi!